This morning the sun is shining again and the temperature is forecast to be above 10 degrees C so I gladly abandon my thermals for the day - they're so annoying! And it will be a good hair day if I can avoid having to wear a hat too ;-)
Now that it's day 2 at school and I know the drill, I leave home a little later than yesterday which is nice. I have a funny foreign language moment on the way to the Metro - a man approaches me on the street and asks a question in what sounds like rapid French but I can only understand one word. Luckily it's the key word - hôpital (there's an eye hospital nearby). I'm able to use gestures plus the odd helpful word to point him in the right direction but I apologize for not being able to speak French. He seems to understand my message and then he thanks me - "Grazie" he says. Haha, Italian!!!!!
I'm early to school again today (surprise, surprise!) so I have time to get a coffee - after yesterday's effort I've decided that the nearby Starbucks is my safest bet. The coffee I had yesterday was good but it was in a tiny and flimsy plastic cup and I feared for my safety while holding it! At least at Starbucks I know what I'll be getting :-) The man who serves me is very helpful and friendly and affirms that I've used the right words, and even gives me a lesson in understanding his next question - "Autre chose?" (anything else?).
At school everyone is relaxed and getting to know each other and it's a lovely supportive environment. In my beginners' class we review yesterday's lesson and then start on the verb "avoir" (to have), learning the various conjugations and the difference between "avoir" and "être". By the end of the lesson Stephanie is asking us questions in French and we are responding in French too - it's very exciting! We also have a go at reading and translating a story about a family.
After classes end for the day all the students are invited to a welcome reception "dans la cuisine" where the school has provided "vin rouge et de charcuterie" for our enjoyment - the wine is lovely and the food is authentic and delicious :-) I stay and chat for a while - those who have been in Paris for a while are a wealth of information and tips for newcomers - then it's time to set off for home. The sun is still shining and it's warmed up considerably. I walk without my coat and it feels lovely!
A quick visit to the supermarket on the way home and then back to the apartment for a very welcome Skype with my wonderful new husband. It's not the same as being together but it's better than nothing. I'm counting down the days until he arrives!
Tonight I cook the fish and some of the vegies I bought at the market and then settle down to do my homework - les devoirs - it's been a long time since I've had to say that!
I'm missing my family and especially my lovely husband, but I'm thoroughly enjoying my Parisian adventure!
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